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When you get more clients you will need to copy trades to more and more slave accounts. One VPS server or one computer will not be enough for this purpose. In this chapter I will explain how you can copy trades to slave accounts located on multiple computers.

This is basically the same process outlined in the previous chapters but there is one trick that will help you copy trades between multiple VPS servers. As you already know the Local Trade Copier does not use any server to transfer trades to another MetaTrader platform. This is why you need to have a master and a slave account on the same machine.

OK, let’s get started and I will explain my little trick and how I use the LTC software to copy trades between multiple VPS servers.

Step 1

If you already have 4 to 6 MT4 platforms running on your VPS server and the server is already full, you need to get another VPS in order to run more MetaTrader platforms.

Step 2

Install the same master MT4 account on the second VPS. This is the secret that will allow you to copy the same trades from the same master account to another VPS server. For instructions on how to install the MetaTrader platform please refer to chapter 3.

An important thing to keep note of here is that you need to do your trading on a single master account. Trades should be executed only on one of the master accounts. You can pick the master running on your 1st VPS, or you can have another master account running on your computer at home or at the office, you can even execute trades on your mobile device. The important point I am trying to make is that you need to pick one of the master accounts.

If you run an Expert Advisor (a.k.a. Forex robot) you also need to make sure that you run the EA on a single master account in order to avoid duplicate trades on your account. If you trade manually, you can open, change and close trades on any of your master accounts located on any device. But you must confine yourself to one the masters and do the same trading action only in that account so that no duplicate trades are replicated to the slaves.

Once you open up a trade on your mobile MT4 for example, you will see that same trade displayed in all other instances where your master account is currently open. This may be on your VPS #1 or VPS #2 etc… What is happening here is that the Server EA will pick up that trade and copy it to the slave accounts. In our example the Server EA located on VPS #1 will copy the trades to the slave accounts on VPS #1, while the Server EA on VPS #2 will copy the trades to the slave accounts located on VPS #2.

When you have more VPS servers running you will need to have the same master account running on each of them but you won’t need to execute the trades on all of the masters. This is because when you open a trade or perform any other trading action, that same action will be replicated in all other instances where that account is currently open and running on other devices. This happens instantly and is controlled by MetaTrader itself. This is not trade copying, it is just displaying the trades that you have in the account on all MT4 instances where that same account is open. Think of it like your email inbox. When you receive an email in your inbox you can see it from any computer or mobile device.

Step 3

The next step involves installing new slave MT4 accounts that you were not able to run on the first VPS. Let’s assume, for example’s sake, that you have 5 new slave accounts and 5 old slave accounts. The old ones are already running on the first VPS and the new ones will run on the second VPS server.

This is how it will look like:

VPS server #1

  • Master account M1
  • Slave account S1
  • Slave account S2
  • Slave account S3
  • Slave account S4
  • Slave account S5

VPS server #2

  • Master account M1 (the same account as in VPS #1)
  • Slave account S6
  • Slave account S7
  • Slave account S8
  • Slave account S9
  • Slave account S10

Step 4

Now that you have the master and slave accounts installed to your second VPS server, it is time to install the Local Trade Copier again. To do this just use what you have already learned in chapter 4. After the installation is complete just start the Server EA and the Client EA and keep them running all the time.


Now how about copying trades in reverse mode?

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